Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Last Three Days

Well fudge-nuggets!!! I am already slacking on my blogging, I think I posted about Monday and then just kept ignoring it after that. I'll try to make the last 3 days short as possible.
Tuesday - Rocky and I ran 5.2 miles in 52:54 with an average pace of 10:11 min/mile, it was 70 degrees and 88% humidity, Rocky was suffering.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:49
Mile 2 - 10:05
Mile 3 - 10:13
Mile 4 - 9:58
Mile 5 - 9:55
Mile 5.2 - 9:31

  After that I headed to the gym for 55 minutes of focusing on the Back.
Cable Chest Pulls: 6 sets/ 18 reps/ 36.2 lbs
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX6reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX6reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX6reps
Torso Rotation: 4 sets/ 10 reps/ 70 lbs
Machine Lat Pull Down: 100lbsX12reps, 110lbsX8reps, 100lbsX12reps, 110lbsX8reps, 105lbsX12reps, 115lbsX8reps
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX12reps, 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX12reps, 35lbsX15reps, 45lbsX8reps

Seated Cable Row: 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps

Wednesday - Rocky and I ran 5.2 miles (again) in 51:27 with an average pace of 9:54 min/mile, it was 66 degrees and 88% humidity, 0 wind whatsoever and Rocky was suffering again..... I felt so bad for taking him out with me.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:40
Mile 2 - 10:04
Mile 3 - 10:03
Mile 4 - 9:50
Mile 5 - 9:10
Mile .2 - 8:22

  After that is was to the gym for Biceps, Triceps and Chest Day, an hour to be exact.
Standing Barbell Curls: 50lbsX12reps, 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps, 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps
Modular Triceps Extensions: 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps, 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps, 40lbsx15reps
Loaded Plate Chest Press: 90lbsX10reps, 80lbsX12reps, 90lbsX10reps, 80lbsX12reps, 100lbsX8reps
Standing Dumbbell Curls: 22.5lbsX8reps, 20lbsX12reps, 25lbsX5reps, 20lbsX12reps, 22.5lbsX8reps
Triceps Dumbbell Kickbacks: 17.5lbsX12reps, 20lbsX9reps, 17.5lbsX12reps, 20lbsX8reps, 22.5lbsX8reps
Fly Delts: 70lbsX10reps, 75lbsX8reps, 80lbsX8reps, 75lbsX10reps, 80lbsX8reps

Triceps Extension: 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 45lbsX10reps

  Thursday (Today) - I decided not to take Rocky this time and I am so glad I didn't as it was 72 degrees, 78% humidity and no wind. It would have been awful for him, even though he doesn't understand why I am leaving him at home. I ran 5.4 miles in 53:06 with an average pace of 9:50 min/mile, quite a bit better without Rocky and definitely close to my easy pace now.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:18
Mile 2 - 9:54
Mile 3 - 10:03
Mile 4 - 9:37
Mile 5 - 9:31
Mile .4 - 9:15

   After the very tough run, as I had no shirt with me this time to wipe the sweat from my face... I headed to the gym for another day of Shoulders & Delts, an hour to be exact.
Cable Face Pulls: 6 sets / 20 reps / 50 lbs
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps
Converging Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps
Barbell Upright Rows: 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX10reps, 35lbsX15reps
Rear Delt: 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsXreps
Front Plate Raises: 5 sets / 15 reps / 35 lbs

Torso Rotation: 4 sets / 10 reps / 75 lbs

Monday, June 8, 2015

Getting Back to Bloggin

  It resumes today damn it, I am going to stop being lazy about my blogging and get back to it damn it.
 Last week was a great week, amazingly my legs handled the runs from Wednesday through Sunday no problem, even after such a tough race last Saturday. Long story short, I ran a total of 27.7 miles last week and weight lifted for a total of 7 hours. 
  Yesterday was interesting, I wasn't able to get up and run as I felt like a train had ran over me and it was freaking humid damn it. All day was like 90-95 degrees and sunny, my mom came out to the house at 7 PM and I put my hydration pack on with two packs of gu, a 12 oz bottle of water with grape fizz and my 1.5 liter bladder of water. Boy was I glad I took it with me, I had mainly taken it so I could carry my phone because I feared I would be calling my mommy or hubby to come pick me up.
  It was 86 degrees, sunny and not quite humid but just freaking blah man. I could feel the salt all over my face by mile 5. Earlier last week I told myself an 8 mile long run, then by the middle of the week I wanted 10 miles, well I ended up with 9.1 miles in 1:26:08 with an average pace of 9:28 min/mile, and elevation gain of 287 feet..... so I think I did pretty damn good given the circumstances.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:48
Mile 2 - 9:39
Mile 3 - 9:41
Mile 4 - 9:15
Mile 5 - 9:21
Mile 6 - 9:15
Mile 7 - 9:21
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:19
Mile 9.1 - 8:41

   Not bad at all, I really didn't want to get out and run but I am so glad I did and I felt much better for it.

  This week so far as started off well, I headed to the gym for Shoulders and delts, about 55 minutes.

It went really good.
Cable Face Pulls: 6 sets/ 18 reps/ 50 lbs
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps
Rear Delt: 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps
Converging Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 4 sets/ 12reps/ 70lbs, 80lbsX9reps
Shoulder Shrugs: 5 sets/ 20 reps/ 30 lbs
Barbell Upright Rows: 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps

Front Plate Raises: 5 sets/ 15 reps/ 35 lbs

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week Ten, Day 4

  This morning's run decided on whether I would give Rocky a break or not, it seems he just isn't acclimating to the heat and humidity and is slowing me down. If I let him have his way all of my runs would be more closer to 11 min/mile than where my body wants them to be, sadly that isn't going to help my training or fitness.
  The temperature was 63 degrees, 88% humidity and no wind, and you definitely knew it if you stop. We ran 5.3 miles in 53:36 with an average pace of 10:07 min/mile, just after the mile 3 marker we stopped to visit a horse who was out all by himself. This was Rocky's second time being near a horse, his first was down in Tennessee and he wouldn't get 5 feet near them... this time he decided to sniff this one's nose and stayed pretty calm. It was a sweet horse, and I wouldn't mind seeing him/her again.
 Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:01
Mile 2 - 10:17
Mile 3 - 9:57
Mile 4 - 9:57
Mile 5 - 9:40
Mile 5.3 - 9:16

   Then it was off to the gym for a focus on shoulders and delts. It was extremely warm in the gym this morning, I was sweating like Olaf in summer.
The focus this morning was on the shoulders and delts.

Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 12.5lbsX12reps, 15lbsX6reps, 3 sets of 12 reps - 12.5 lbs, 15lbsX8reps
Loaded Plate Shoulder Press: 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps
Rear Delt: 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps
Torso Rotation: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 60 lbs
Shoulder Shrugs: 22.5lbsX15reps, 25lbsX12reps, 27.5lbsX12reps, 25lbsX12reps, 27.5lbsX13reps, 27.5lbsX12reps
Barbell Upright Row: 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 35 lbs
Front Plate Raise: 35lbsX10reps, 25lbsX14reps, 35lbsX10reps, 25lbsX14reps, 35lbsX10reps, 35lbsX12reps

  Before work I did a few abdominal/core strengthening along with squats and bridges, and using my hyper extension back machine thing.
Bicycle Crunches: 4 sets of 50
Raised Leg Crunches: 3 sets of 25
Squats: 2 sets of 12 with 20 lb K-bell
1 minute Bridge
Donkey Kicks: 3 sets of 12

  This afternoon my new shoes came in - Asics GT-2000 3 so I decided that Dorian and I would take them on a test run. It is strange and a little frustrating how much faster my easy paces seem when I push Dorian in the stroller compared to when I am alone or with Rocky. I ran 3.1 miles in 29:15 with an average pace of 9:26 min/mile, elevation gain of 69 feet and a loss of 64 feet. It was 81 degrees, 51% humidity and 16 mph SSW winds.
Laps/splits were: 
Mile 1 - 9:47
Mile 2 - 9:18
Mile 3 - 9:21
Mile 3.1 - 8:14

   Hopefully I won't be too sore, I've got 4-5 miles planned tomorrow and sadly without Rocky.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week Nine, Day 7 and a MILESTONE

  Well, this morning almost didn't happen... or at least I got a little worried that it wouldn't when Dorian woke up at 3 AM, my alarm wasn't going to go off until 4 AM so I pretty much lost an hour of sleep. Dorian did fall back to sleep in time so I was able to get up and get dressed, it was 37 degrees so I tried to dress warmly but not too warm. 
   I forgot to stop and take a selfie at mile 1.8 but I made sure to take a couple at the end. Rocky started to lag a little behind my comfortable pace around mile 2 and to the finish, it was really tough on hills. He didn't do too bad if he was able to run on the grass but his pace was trying to set around a 10 min/mile pace while mine was around a 9:30 min/mile. I don't think he was feeling too good, he was trying to eat grass each time we would stop... he didn't stop to poop at all during the run but probably peed about a gallon total.
  I didn't think I was going too fast really, but my mile 6 pace was pretty fast so I tried to slow it down some.
   I didn't have too much soreness, surprisingly as I expected some soreness after yesterday's 6.3 miles. I did begin to feel sore around the Piriformis or the stops between my glute and hamstring but not bad. I had planned on doing some leg strengthening afterwards but decided against it, I'm a bit sore lol.
  Rocky and I ran 10.2 miles in 1:39:23 with an average pace of 9:45 min/mile, the elevation is off (again) but I would say around 300 feet of gain.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:34
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:54
Mile 4 - 9:48
Mile 5 - 9:49
Mile 6 - 9:27
Mile 7 - 9:40
Mile 8 - 9:37
Mile 9 - 9:30 
Mile 10 - 9:03
Mile 10.2 - 8:40

     This morning's run brought my weekly mileage to 35.9 miles, I am slowly getting back to where I want to be mileage wise for my base before starting my marathon training this summer. 
   And it also brought me over 4,000 miles :) :) :) 4,009 miles to be exact as of this morning.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Week Nine, Day 6 and a Milestone!!

  This morning started well, my 3 AM did awake me from a dream so I was thrown off guard and debated on getting up for a minute or two. I did get up though, and got dressed and ready for a temperature of 43 degrees with a feels like 38 degrees. This time we turned left out of the driveway and headed south instead of the usual right and heading north (where all of the stupid loose dogs have been lately).
   It started out chilly, but slowly warmed up and luckily none of the roads were flooded. Traffic was alright, I think we saw a total of 5-8 cars on our 6.3 mile route which is always preferable to more. No dogs, no other animals gave us any trouble and I only had to stop for a bathroom break around mile 4.75 although it wasn't planned I just decided since Rocky was going that I would go too and get it out of the way.
  Rocky and I ran 6.3 miles in 1:04:04 with an average pace of 10:10 min/mile, an elevation gain of 183 feet and a loss of 174 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:41
Mile 2 - 10:12
Mile 3 - 10:12
Mile 4 - 10:26
Mile 5 - 10:17
Mile 6 - 9:34
Mile 6.3 - 8:57

   Then it was off to the gym, I was a bit tired after the run this morning, but a great workout at the gym nonetheless. Focus was on the biceps, triceps and chest today.

Standing Dumbbell Curls: 20lbsX20reps, 25lbsX12reps, 20lbsX20reps, 25lbsX12reps, 20lbsX24reps, 22.5lbsX12reps
Standing Triceps Cable Pull Down: 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX10reps
Loaded Plate Chest Press: 60lbsX12reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps 60lbsX12reps
Fly Delt: 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps
Triceps Extensions: 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX8reps
Standing Barbell Curls: 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX10reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX10reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX12reps
Seated Cable Chest Press: 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps

  Now for the milestone excitement - upon opening the link on RW to the article "The Home Stretch" by Marc Parent.... I decided to take a look at my log and although I didn't immediately start it when I began running in May 2010, I did start it on July 27, 2010 with 3 miles. I might be missing 15-20 miles but I won't think of those damn it because then I would have missed this mark a few runs ago.
  Tomorrow's first 1.8 miles will put me at...... 4,000 miles!!!!! I am currently at 3,998.8 miles. If I can remember, at that mile mark tomorrow morning I will stop to take a "selfie" by myself and another with Rocky :)

Friday, April 3, 2015

Week Nine, Day 5

  This morning was quite eventful, I woke up to my alarm at 3 AM to notice it was not only raining cats and dogs but that included lightning and thunder (love that stuff, except when I want to run damn it). So I laid back down in bed and waited until 4 AM to go to the gym, and this morning was focused on the back for an hour and 6 minutes.

Cable Lat Pull Down: 70lbsX10reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 75lbsX8reps
One Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Row: 35lbsX12reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps
Underhand Seated Cable Row: 6 sets/ 8 reps/ 60 lbs
Parallel Grip Lat Pull Down: 60lbsX12reps, 60lbsX12reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps
Rear Delt: 45lbsX12reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX12reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX12reps, 40lbsX12reps
Seated Cable Row: 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX10reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 70lbsX8reps

Machine Pull Down: 80lbsX12reps, 90lbsX10reps, 80lbsX12reps, 90lbsX10reps, 80lbsX12reps, 90lbsX10reps

 By the time I walked out of the gym it was no longer thundering and I didn't see any lightning so I decided that I would get home and change my clothes, then Rocky and I would go for a run. It was either going to be 3 or 4 miles and pretty easy, but I wasn't expecting the stupid dog around mile 1.5 all the way until mile 2.6....... and I can honestly say I am getting sick of loose dogs. Now I've been lucky enough in that I haven't been attacked by a dog (yet), but it's pretty damn annoying when a dog decides to tag along behind us causing Rocky to slow down and focus on the dog. Nothing like already being tired and then having to drag 60 lbs behind me, I am seriously considering a pellet gun, taser or my Ruger 40C because I am sick of this crap damn it. The dog looked to be a German Shorthaired Pointer, not much older than 6-8 months old, he had an orange collar on him (one of those collars idiots put on dog they use to hunt). I guess this weekend Rocky and I will take the routes we don't normally take, but so far we haven't had any loose dog issues so looks like it's going to be those.
  Rocky and I ran 4 miles in 39:15 with an average pace of 9:48 min/mile, even with me stopping around mile 2.3 for almost a minute without pausing the garmin and yelling at the stupid dog.

Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:42
Mile 2 - 9:52
Mile 3 - 9:23
Mile 4 - 9:17

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Week Nine - Day Four

I didn't run today, and I wasn't able to go to the gym. We didn't get to bed until midnight due to a movie, and I just didn't want to get up at 4 AM or even 4:30 AM. So I decided to do my abdominal/core strengthening exercises, not sure what tomorrow will bring as the next couple of days shoe April at it's best - Showers and thunderstorms.

First 25 minutes

Plank: 2 Minutes
Bicycle Crunches: 50 50 50 50
Oblique Crunches: 20 20 20 20
Raised Leg Crunches: 25 25 25 25
Standing Dumbbell Side Bend: 20lbsX25reps 20lbsX25reps
Supermans: 25 25 25
Plank: 1 Minutes
Bicycle Crunches:
Oblique Crunches:
Raised Leg Crunches:
Standing Dumbbell Side Bend: 20lbsX25reps

After work/ in the evening - 16 minutes
Plank: 1 Minute
Bicycle Crunches: 50 50 50
Oblique Crunches: 20 20 20
Raised Leg Crunches: 25 25 25
Standing Dumbbell Side Bend: 20lbsX25reps 20lbsX25reps 20lbsX25reps
Superman: 25 25 25